Monday, January 21, 2013

Three Topics

1: Continued firearm contemplation:
As I continue to think about the firearm debate, one question (with its offshoots) has really stood out to me. Does is make any sense for the Federal Government to legislate for the nation? Do the citizens of Alabama, for example, need the same gun control policies as California or New York? What about rural citizens vs. urban citizens.
I'm starting to think this is best handled on a more local level. The more people I talk to, the more I see huge differences in perception of firearms and their benefits/risks/uses. Our country is just too large and diverse to have a single policy maybe...
2: Baby update

She took her first couple tentative steps last night and this morning. Also likes super garlicky hummous and grapefruit juice. Still plays with her ukulele for extended periods of time and is getting better and better at plucking the strings with appropriate force etc.

The lady playing the harp, when she started plucking strings, said "Do you hear the angels?"
Talk about an awkward moment for me! I don't want to open a whole new can of worms regarding religious belief or anything like that, but I can see a lot of challenging conversations in my future regarding different belief systems.  I have a very difficult time being dishonest. It's just not in me... I prefer to be respectful, but honest, and logic is my best friend.
Ah well... We all muddle through these things one way or another.
3: Art art art...
I paint and I paint. And I paint. I covered over an old piece with tissue yesterday and laid in great swaths of color this morning with Seren on my lap. She has good manners at the easel right now and clearly enjoys being with me while I work. It's sweet. 
I'm thinking about dogwoods and passion fruit flowers and butterflies and music.
With love as always
Onward and upward

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